Choosing a university can be daunting and exciting; try to do as much research as possible by looking at the courses on offer and visiting each institution.

All universities hold regular open days where you can have a good look around as well as being able to chat to students and staff.

Use open days to ask any questions you have and get a feel for the place; take care to have a look at the surrounding area as well as the university itself; if you’re a fan of city life it’s probably not a good idea to go to a small, rural university. Read up on the different courses as the content and length varies between different universities.

Good medical courses

In addition to the courses run by Cardiff and Swansea Universities, there are several other courses available throughout the U.K.

If you are looking to pursue a more theory-based course you should consider applying to Oxford or Cambridge as they stick to more traditional teaching methods.

If, on the other hand, you are looking to gain fast-paced practical experience in a city setting, you may want to consider applying to Liverpool, Leeds, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham or one of the London universities.

If you are looking for a smaller, quieter setting you may wish to consider Keele, East Anglia and St.Andrews.